Mindfulness Teacher Level 5 Diploma

Become an Accredited Mindfulness Teacher and Coach. Learn how to teach mindfulness and self-compassion based practices to facilitate mindfulness in groups, organizations and one on one settings.

Designed for you

Enjoy flexibility and a variety of payment options for a change of career with real qualifications.

Highly engaging course content

Fantastic  video content, detailed lesson plans,
meditation scripts and deep live webinar experience.

We are here to support

Via phone, email, WhatsApp/Facebook community and individual sessions directly with Louise.

Start your own business

Includes additional CAM Coach training to help you set up a successful business.

Course reviews

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I can offer only the highest recommendation for Louise Shanagher and her courses. It has been an absolute joy and honour learning from Louise who l believe to be the best within this field. Louise is an outstanding teacher. mentor and role model. She epitomises mindfulness and mindful living. Her passion is contagious. Her calm personality, enthusiasm and kind and caring nature is infectious. Louise delivers her courses to an exceptionally high standard while at the same time supporting, nurturing and encouraging a strong personal practice with frequent self-reflection. I feel absolutely blessed to have had the pleasure of learning from her.

- Jackie

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Thank you so much Louise from the bottom of my heart for bringing such goodness and kindness and beauty into my life and into the lives of those my life connects with.It is unbelievable how far I have come since I started with you. I have been to many therapists over the years, and nothing has helped me as much as your teachings. To be able to share this with others is like a dream come true. It feels a little surreal, and absolutely magical. Thank you so much for everything, I will be forever grateful for all you have shared, and all the support and time you gave me. You are kindness and wisdom personified!

- Wants to remain anonymous

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I found this course wonderful for deepening my own mindfulness practice, for my personal development and for my ability to hold space as a practitioner when teaching individuals and groups. The webinars and practice sits with the sangha (the teacher Louise Shanagher and group of mindfulness teachers) is such an encouraging, supportive and enriching environment and I really value the collaborative approach of this group where we share ideas and experiences and support one another in our practice and our work. It is such a gift to have access to this support for five years after completing the course. I loved that there was no pressure to complete the course by a certain time. You can go at your own pace and the emphasis is on your own personal practice and the experiential nature of the course. Another great support was having the one to one calls with the teacher when there was anything I wanted to discuss about my own practice or my classes. I would really recommend doing this course. It has been life changing for me and has allowed me to facilitate mindfulness classes and enjoy the benefits of the practice in my own life and in the lives of those who I have taught

- Lindsey

About your Teacher Training Level 5 Certification

This takes between six months to a year to complete where you study at your own pace!

As part of the course you are required to do at least 2 individual Zoom or Phone sessions with Louise but you have access to up to 8 individual sessions.

For the length of time you will be working through this course and for up to 5 years afterwards you will also have FREE access to the following:

Weekly live webinars which will help you to develop your mindfulness practice, connect with other teachers and also to seek support from Louise and ask her questions that you might have. Our weekly webinar mindfulness classes are:

  • Practice sessions on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:00 PM
  • Teacher Training weekly webinar on Tuesday at 8:00 PM
  • Creative Mindfulness for Kids weekly webinar on Thursday at 8:00 PM

An Introduction to the Course!

Write your awesome label here.

This course is ideal for students who are looking for:
An Accredited Mindfulness Qualification

  • Internationally recognised Mindfulness certification to full Teacher Level.
  • A comprehensive course with 5 separate accredited qualifications enabling you to teach bespoke mindfulness programs to children, preschool children, teenagers, parents, teachers and professionals as well as individual mindfulness coaching sessions.
  • Enables you to offer mindfulness programs in pre-schools, primary and secondary schools, third level institutions, in the work place, and health care settings.
  • Professional qualifications set up as a Mindfulness Teacher and Coach in private practice upon course completion.
  • The opportunity to interact with other students and benefit from private community groups, live webinars, life time access to weekly online mindfulness classes, 15 years of coaching resource, post course supervision and support.
  • A chance to be tutored directly and individually by renowned Mindfulness expert, author and lecturer Louise Shanagher.
  • Benefit from learning how to set up your business with the CAM Coach Success in Business Course.

Includes FREE of charge all of the Creative Mindfulness courses

(Except workshops with guests)

Reserve your spot on our partner's website

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